求 亨利.詹姆士 <<一位女士的画像>>第一部分的翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/29 23:45:10
Madame Merle was a tall,fair,smooth,woman;everything in her person was round and replete,though without those accumulations which suggest heaviness.Her features were thick but in perfect proportion and harmony,and her complexion had healthy clearness.Her gray eyes were small but full of light and incapable of stupidity---incapable,according to some people,even of tears;she had a liberal,full-rimmed mouth whcih when she smiled drew itself upward to the left side in a manner that most people thought very odd,some very affected and a few very graceful.

-------Henry James:The Portrait of Lady,Volume 1
这一段是亨利.詹姆士 <<一位女士的画像>> VOLUME 1,CHAPTER18 里的

[]里是我作的简单的解释。()是补充原文省略的词语的解释。I will try——

Madame Merle was a tall,fair,smooth,woman;everything in her person was round and replete,though without those accumulations which suggest heaviness.
译:Merle(默尔)太太是一位高个儿的,谦虚并且温柔的女性。她身上的每一处都很肥胖(她身上的每一个部位都满是肉),然而却没有使她看起来显得很沉重的赘肉。 [——我将accumulations根据句子意思翻译为了:赘肉。它本身的意思是堆积,累积。其实这儿就是只她身上肉的堆积。]
Her features were thick but in perfect proportion and harmony,and her complexion had healthy clearness.Her gray eyes were small but full of light and incapable of stupidity---incapable,according to some people,even of tears;
she had a liberal,full-rimmed mouth whcih when she smiled drew itself upward to the left side in a manner that most people thought very